Saturday, January 31, 2009

Windows 7

I’m in love... (eyes glaze over) I downloaded the Windows 7 Beta. I was expecting a headache to get it installed. Like 5 hours of install time followed by 6 hours of configuring and screaming for help on windows forums. However, I was ultimately blown away by the ease with which this operating system installs itself. It was more work to partition the drive for the dual boot. From there I was able to start the installation from within windows Vista. Choose my Windows 7 partition and the Setup program handled the rest. The entire operating system was installed and operational inside of 40 min (this is including creating my user account and restarting after I installed my NVIDIA driver)

This operating system is so slick, it makes using Vista feel like an awkward grade-school relationship. Microsoft actually innovated for once! The new “super-bar” is infinitely more useful than the comparatively archaic task bar (seriously… after using the old taskbar again I stripped down naked and started drawing oddly shaped animals on the sides of my cubicle and danced around the fire I just invented). And as for startup, boot screen to desktop in under 30 seconds. (I wondered at this point if I was using a Windows Operating system.) Surely this was the improved version of Mac OSX that was kept from the public lest Apple become more than a self absorbed marketing and advertising agency… but I digress.

In short, Windows 7 has some serious potential to be the best operating system MS has ever delivered (and with only 2 years from Vista they must have failed to use contraceptives prior to this pregnancy… or maybe that was just the result of hate sex after the public disowned MS post-Vista)