Sunday, December 7, 2008

Mirrors Edge

I had a rent one get one free coupon for Hollywood Video. I rented Dead Space because I've been craving the opportunity to violently dismember alien zombies into bloody messes. For my second game I rented Mirrors Edge. Now, I was expecting Mirror to entertain me for about 1 hour before I hurled the controller into the TV in frustration (which would have ultimately destroyed my TV and frustrated me more... but it would have looked cool). However, instead of killing many an alien, I killed about 5. And then played Mirrors Edge to excess. I.... love.... this.... game. It's beautiful, it's exciting, it's also horribly frustrating. But I'm horribly stubborn. So, I wouldn't recommend this game to just about... anyone, but I'm enjoying it so much myself I might just buy it (in 6 months, after it's cheap as dirt since no one likes it). 


Anonymous said...

GAH! I hate that game!!!! But... I love it... *goes and runs into a wall because her crazed love/hate feelings for the game made her go insane*


Joe D. said...

I love the game but, I have motion sickness, so I can't buy it =(

Anonymous said...

Poor Jon.

<3 Aud

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Ah! Sorry! I didn't mean to leave a comment with a link! I deleted it but it still shows! :( Sorry. Anyways, I need to let you steal my computer so you can update your rants. I need new material to comment on.

<3 Aud